Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WPG: April Stuff!

Right! lets jump straight in with what happened in April! I started with making a sky dome

The moon looks pretty bright in one of the images above, it will be toned down in game. I think this mesh works well as a place holder for now, but for the game i would like to use a good material with moving clouds rather than static cloud meshes.

My next job was to create a version of the harbour for Pete and Ben to take to Launchconf’s Meet the Game Press event. We originally wanted to show a trailer, but due to time constraints and problems with packages we ran out of time. They where still able to present screenshots which received positive feedback.

The buildings in the shots are very basic, but i tried to assemble a harbour environment as quickly as I could to give a good representation of how the game could look.

Designer Pete was in the process of fleshing out the level with gameplay and needed some place holder mine meshes to use. I created these modular pieces for him to quickly assemble and use.

 Here is a quick concept for how the marker stones in ether will look. The marker stones are a focal point the game so they need to stand out.

The image above shows the texturing and concept of a model used in puzzles in level 1. Its purpose is to shine beams of light in different directions, depending in which way the player turns it using the leavers at the bottom.

Model in UDK and Texture sheets.

More assets for Pete to use to flesh out the level.

I created more Modular building pieces including stairs and windows. I created some building textures such as plaster wall, wallpaper and wooden floorboards.
I then imported these meshes into UDK to assemble a building interior.

Pete then used these meshes to block out a large portion of the level. That concluded the development work for April. Stay tuned for May! ...

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