The images above shows a text building I created to get an idea of how the modular pieces would work and which shapes I would need that could be reused to create other unique houses. The interior and exteriors are still pretty plain but at this stage it was more about blocking out a building layout rather than adding details.
The next mile stone I was facing was to create interior assets for the buildings in ether. I started by creating some units and work tops for kitchen spaces.
Here is some texture work in progress shots. I wasn't happy with the finished texture i had created for the units and went back in to add more visual interest and colour tone.
As you can see the texture above is lacking any real interest, its very flat and the colours don't have much variation in terms of tone.
This new texture above has a lot more interest. I have added more details to the surfaces and gave them the feel of wear and tear.
I then created some more assets for the kitchen areas.
above is an image of the fridge, sink and oven I created along with the texture sheet.
Once I had created these assets I wanted to test the scale of the interior assets to see if everything would be in proportion for the player.
The images above show 3 different scale sizes. The one that worked the best was the third. The proportions were correct and from the player view the work surfaces looked to be at the right height.
I then moved on the adding more verts to the building walls. This was because we where planning on using vertex painting to add details to the wall surfaces.
The image above shows the 12 walls i created for modularity, displaying the additional edges and verts needed for vertex painting.
I then created windows to be added to the modular wall pieces.
I also decided to create a wall section that would add more geometry to rooms and buildings.
Using the Building assets created I decide to make a test house in udk, this was to provide an idea of how to light the interiors and how they will end up looking in game.
This image is a great example of how the use of a light fog effect with a blue tint can add a real moody quality to an environment.
The next image I created was a test to see how the exterior environment would look through the windows of the buildings. It also helped me concept how the glass for the windows could look in the game, I want them too look dirty and weathered.
At this time me and Pete where planning out how the harbour could work in terms of layout and gameplay. The image bellow is an early concept of how the harbour layout could work with gameplay ideas.
I then created some interior props and applied a basic texture to them. Here ares some shots of them in the test house i created in UDK.
That pretty much rounds up the work I completed in May. in this time I became more familiar with the practice of modular design. Stay tuned for June!!!
Awesome post man!